Related Activities

LONG Related Initiatives  
IPv6 Forum
IPv6 Research & Education Networks (6REN)
APAN IPv6 Working Group
Internet 2 IPv6 Working Group
RIPE IPv6 Working Group
The European Commission is actively sponsoring a number of IPv6-related IST projects, and there are other bodies, for example Eurescom, that fund IPv6-related collaborative work. It is the objective of 6LINK to bring representatives of these projects together to identify common experiences and to share  knowledge and understanding of the state-of-the-art with regards to IPv6 development and deployment in Europe. The second objective, dissemination, builds upon the consensus and understanding generated by the first objective and seeks to promulgate the agreements and analyses arrived at by the partners to as wide an audience as possible. The third objective is concerned with capitalising on the synergies developed through achievement of the first objective, by providing support to participants developing inputs to standards bodies, by presenting 6LINK participants' submissions at standards meetings, and by identifying opportunities for common trials.
NGNLAB is a testbed to test Next Generation Network Protocols and Features such as IPv6,  QoS, Security and Applications The overall objective of the distributed Next Generation Networks Laboratory (NGN LAB) is to become an advanced IP-based network and services environment that enables researchers located around Europe to solve problems using a common platform.

IPv6 Forum
European IPv6 Task Force
The European IPv6 Task Force has released it's final reports:
- Press Release: IPv6 2005 Roadmap Recommendations 
- Main Task Force Report
- WG1: Internet Infrastructure Report
- WG2: Mobile Wireless Systems WG Report
- WG3: Next Generation Apps WG Report
- WG4: Trials Framework Report
- Priorities for action in migrating to the new Internet Protocol IPv6
- Barcelona European Council 15 and 16 March 2002: Presidency Conclusions
Géant IPv6 Test Programme a IPv6 activities
IPv6 Style -"Impress", a Japanese company (is currently publishing IPv6 Magazine) has started a new IPv6 Web Page.
