Applications ported to IPv6 by LONG 


ISABEL is an advanced CSCW application featuring multimedia communication among different users, it is the most relevant application used in LONG, since it is a complex application ported to IPv6 with stringent network requirements such as real-time delivery. This application is used for real user trials, either used by internal users (LONG meetings) or external ones, allowing multiconferencing among several users placed in separate locations communicated by links with different bandwidth. ISABEL has also been adapted for asymmetric network environments such as ADSL as you can see in the demo. You can also read more info about ISABEL. or take a look to this screen-shot of Isabel running.


is an IPv6 upgrade of the popular Multi GENerator Toolset (MGEN) traffic generator and analysis tool developed by Brian Adamson (Naval Research Laboratory,, that allows selection of traffic patterns, multicast, scripting facilities for programming tests and a graphical interface. In this new version IPv6 UDP traffic unicast and multicast can be generated, including the configuration of IPv6 packet fields such as Source and Destination Address, Traffic Class and Hop Limit. Additionally, it allows the generation of IPv6 extension headers such as Router Alert and Jumbo Payload (hop-by-hop extension headers), Routing Header, and Mobility Headers, that can be used both for conformance and performance testing. It is available for UNIX kernels with support for the RFC 2133 bis and RFC 2292 bis API specifications (it has been tested in Linux USAGI and KAME FreeBSD). Here you can see an example  of MGEN.


The netperf application has also been modified to be able to make tests over a network using SOCKS64 translation.


CGI for IRC access:
You can try this CGI and access the LONG IRC Server. 


Netmeter is a Network Metering Tool that integrates a group of network analysis tools such as mgen or netperf on one side, and statistical and  graphical representation tools on the other. So with those applications Netmeter is capable of automatically configuring the mgen parameters, launching the application and gathering all the statistics to plot the graphics and show them to the user, with one simple and easy to use GUI interface. Take a look at a screenshot of the application (the NetMeter application will be soon available in the LONG Web Page).
All this software is available in the LONG Web Page: